People Want to Know About How to Breed Betta Fish, I Read This Article to Know This.
Bettas, also known as Siamese Fighting Fish are moderately easy to breed when in captivity. However, since their primal urges are to fight each other, they necessity be housed separately. This can take up a lot of time, space, and money so if you require reproducing Betta fish make assured it's only when the Betta is an exceptional being. Keep in mind the following points when your pet fish are ready to take part in a little reproduction.

How to Breed Betta Fish
How to Breed Betta Fish

Warnings and Tips on How to Breed Betta Fish :

- Until spawning time is reached, keep the parent Bettas separated.

-You can sometimes use a small piece of floating Styrofoam to stimulate the male Betta to begin building a bubble nest.

-To keep all your wiring in order, it is recommended to get an electrical outlet strip for your breeding tanks.

-On average, a female Betta lays around 350 eggs so be prepared.

-Never use a filter in the breeding tank, it will suck up all the fry, which is the offspring.

-Do not facilitate a partial water change until the fry is about 3 weeks old. At this time you should only do about a 10 or 15 percent change, not the entire tank. Add the new water slowly and try not to shock the fry.

When Breeding:

1. First of all, you will want to choose the best, strongest male and Bettas in your tank. Be sure they are around the same size and that they are both over 20 weeks old. To condition these fish you will need to feed them frozen bloodworms or live brine shrimp.

2. You should begin setting up your 15-gallon betta fish tank about a month in advance. Keep the temperature around 80 degrees and make sure the female can effectively hide if the male becomes too aggressive.

3. First place the male in the tank, he will quickly form a bubble nest. Sometimes the vision of a female betta in a jar next to the glass will stimulate the male to start building.

4. Watch the male and female begin the spawning process. This involves a lot of chasing but try to look out for fins being ripped out. The male will eventually embrace the female by arching around her side. He then releases his sperm while she releases her eggs. She will look stunned but she'll quickly pick up the eggs from the bottom of the tank and place them in the bubble nest. This entire process takes about a day.

5. Waiting until the female is completely finished releasing eggs, you want to remove her from the tank before the male tries to kill her.

6. Once the fry begins to swim around you can finally remove the male. This will take about one week after the spawning process. It takes two to three days for the eggs to hatch and then four days is dedicated to the fry feeding on the yolk sac. When the male is gone, feed the fry liquid fry food or boiled egg yolk. Feeding should take place three times a day.

7. To begin telling them apart, separate the males and females as soon as possible. This usually happens around 2-3 months after conception. Females tend to look bigger than males. Although females easily get along living together, all the males must be separated or they will eventually kill each other.


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